Hackenberg & Co. GmbH
Ölmühlweg 12
61462 Königstein im Taunus

Registered at Frankfurt am Main District Court
No. Register of Companies HRB 96583

Tel. +49 6174 2939 982
Fax +49 6174 2939 468
E-Mail kontakt(at)hackenberg-co.de

Managing Director: Hagen Hackenberg

Vera Friedrich Photography, iStockphoto, Fotolia


Online dispute resolution:

The Online Dispute Resolution website is an official website managed by the European Commission dedicated to helping consumers and traders resolve their disputes out-of-court: ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr


(1) Liability restriction
Contents of this website
The contents of this website have been drawn up with the maximum possible care and attention. However, the provider shall not guarantee the accuracy, completeness and topicality of the existing contents. The user shall remain solely responsible for the use of the available contents. Contributions identified by name reflect the opinion of the author in question and not necessarily that of the provider.
Website availabilityThe provider shall endeavour to ensure that the service can be retrieved with as few disruptions as possible. However, downtimes cannot be excluded even if reasonable care is exercised. The provider reserves the right to alter or discontinue the service at any time.

External links
This website contains links to third-party websites ("external links"). The individual operators of these third-party websites shall be liable for their contents. The provider examined the alien contents of these external links for possible legal breaches before posting them on the website for the first time. No legal breaches were in evidence at this time. However, the provider has no influence over the current and future design and contents of these linked sites. The inclusion of external links does not mean that the provider shall adopt the linked or referenced contents as his own. It would be unreasonable to expect the provider to undertake continual checks on the contents of these external links without concrete evidence of legal breaches. However, in the event that legal breaches do come to light, external links of this nature shall be deleted immediately.

Exclusion of contractual relationship
The user's access to and use of the provider's website shall not result in the establishment of any type of contractual relationship between the user and the provider. No contractual or semi-contractual claims against the provider may be asserted as a result. In the event that the use of this website should result in a contractual relationship, the following liability restriction shall apply by way of precaution: The provider shall be liable in cases of premeditation and gross negligence, as well as in the event of the breach of a significant contractual obligation (cardinal obligation). The provider shall be liable for damages which are based on a slightly negligent violation of cardinal obligations, either by himself, one of his legal representatives or vicarious agents, however, this liability shall be limited to the compensation of instances of the usual, predictable damage which is a common feature of contracts of this nature. The provider shall not be liable for instances of minor negligence which arise in conjunction with secondary obligations which cannot be deemed cardinal obligations. Liability for damages which fall within the scope of protection of a guarantee or warranty granted by the provider, in addition to the liability for claims related to product liability law and damages which resulted in fatal or bodily injury or a violation of health shall remain unaffected by the above.

(2) Copyright
The contents and works published on this website are copyrighted material. All instances of the utilisation of the said material which are not authorised by German copyright law shall require the prior written agreement of the author or initiator in question. This shall, in particular, apply to the duplication, editing, translation, saving, processing or reproduction of contents saved in databases or other electronic media and systems. Third-party contents and contributions are identified as such in the process. The unauthorised duplication or dissemination of individual contents or complete sites is not permitted and liable to prosecution. Exceptionally, the creation of copies and downloads for personal, private and non-commercial use is permitted. Links to the provider's website are highly appreciated, and do not require the agreement of the website provider. Permission must be obtained in order to display this website in external frames.

(3) Applicable law
This agreement shall be subject solely to the relevant law prevailing in the Federal Republic of Germany.

(4) Specific terms and conditions of use
Express indication of any specific terms and conditions which may apply to individual uses of this website which deviate from points (1) – (3) above shall be provided at the applicable junctures. These aforementioned specific terms and conditions of use shall subsequently apply in each individual case.